Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Under the surface

So I am happily starting to have lunch with a colleague I had met in a Jane Austen event and  I was ready to talk about Jane Austen's books, the regency time and much more when she comes with the questions: so how come you read...and in Colombia are there bookstores, WiFi...?

At the begging I was a bit surprised, shocked and even upset...but then I thought...fine...I am going to answer her questions...which by the way I have answered since I have been away from Colombia in the last 10 years more than thousands of times.

What made me think was that very difficult to make connections when you are from another country. How many times have I stayed myself on the surface..the basic questions...the even biased questions...

At the end we all want that...we want to be seen under the surface.What I wanted to tell her was that I think I am a quite fun person that loves reading, writing, going to Movies, that loves Classical Music that has traveled a lot and has a fantastic son.

I am more and more adapted to this society....but now I recognize that I want to be able to be seen under that surface and that I make those questions and not go deeper.

So my goal for this year to continue adapting to Netherlands and to strengthen friendships and make new ones: Go under the surface...and I am definitely insisting to people also that with me...wish me luck.